English Shortcut to Korean Learning (쉽게 배울수 있는 조선어) is a self-study textbook published in 2019 by the Korea Publications Export and Import Corporation of Pyongyang (DPRK).
I have taken it on myself to transcribe the example sentences and vocabulary, as current material about the North Korean language is rare and plain text versions of learning materials are even harder to find.
This post is about the third chapter, which is about changing money. For an overview of the book, see the head post
Please note that sentences and words below are as-is, I have tried to make sure that I have not introduced any mistakes and I have retouched some slightly awkward translations found in the book and added additional translations where I thought they would be of use.
Let me know if you have any corrections or suggestions for improvement!
- 어디서 화페를 교환할수 있습니까?
- Where can I change money?
- 여기 가까은 곳에 외화교한소가 있습니까?
- Where is the nearest exchange office?
- 어느 시간에 은행이 일합니까?
- What are the operating hours of the bank?
- 수수료는 얼마입니까?
- How much is the commission?
- 여기에 세관신고서가 있습니다.
- Here is the customs declaration.
- 내가 어디에 수표해야 됩니까?
- Where should I sign?
- 외화교환중을 주십시오.
- Please give me a receipt for the currency exchange.
- 어디서 돈을 바꿀수 있습니까?
- Where can I change money?
- 나는 영국돈을 가지고 있습니다.
- I have [British] pounds.
- 나는 딸라를 가지고 있습니다.
- I have dollars.
- 얼마나 바꾸겠습니까?
- How much will you change?
- 100파운드를 바꾸겠습니다.
- I will change 100 pounds.
- 200딸라를 바꿔주십시오.
- Please change 200 dollars.
- 잔돈으로 바꿔주십시오.
- Please give me [small] change.
- 돈을 받으십시오.
- Please take the money.
This chapter does not feature any additional vocabulary.
Let me know if you have any corrections or suggestions for improvement!