English Shortcut to Korean Learning (쉽게 배울수 있는 조선어) is a self-study textbook published in 2019 by the Korea Publications Export and Import Corporation of Pyongyang (DPRK).
I have taken it on myself to transcribe the example sentences and vocabulary, as current material about the North Korean language is rare and plain text versions of learning materials are even harder to find.
This post is about the eighteenth chapter, describing entertainment options. For an overview of the book, see the head post
Please note that sentences and words below are as-is, I have tried to make sure that I have not introduced any mistakes and I have retouched some slightly awkward translations found in the book and added additional translations where I thought they would be of use.
Let me know if you have any corrections or suggestions for improvement!
- 오늘저녁에무슨 곤연늘 합니까?
- What is on stage this evening?
- 나는 가극구경을 갔으면 합니다.
- I would like to go to the opera.
- 나는 교예극장에 갔으면 합니다.
- I would like to go to the circus.
- 이 가극이 마음에 들었습이까?
- Do you like the opera?
- 이 가극은 내 마음에들었습니다.
- I did like the opera.
- 나는 국립교향악단의 공연을 보고싶습니다.
- I would like to see the National Symphony Orchestra.
- 공훈국가합창단의 공연을 보고싶습니다.
- I would like to see the State Merited Chorus.
- 평양대극장에서는 무슨 공연을 합니까?
- What performance can we see at the Pyongyang Grand Theatre?
- 공연은 몇시애 시작합니까?
- When does the performance start?
- 공연은 몇시애 끝납니까?
- When does the performance end?
- 우리 자리는 어디입니까?
- Where are our seats?
- 공연순서를 좀 봅시다.
- Let me see the performance programme.
- 몇분간 쉽니까?
- How long is the intermission?
- 전말 훌륭한 공연입니다.
- Wonderful performance indeed.
This chapter does not feature any additional vocabulary.
Let me know if you have any corrections or suggestions for improvement!