English Shortcut to Korean Learning (쉽게 배울수 있는 조선어) is a self-study textbook published in 2019 by the Korea Publications Export and Import Corporation of Pyongyang (DPRK).
I have taken it on myself to transcribe the example sentences and vocabulary, as current material about the North Korean language is rare and plain text versions of learning materials are even harder to find.
This post is about the 20th chapter, concerning doing business within the country. For an overview of the book, see the head post
Please note that sentences and words below are as-is, I have tried to make sure that I have not introduced any mistakes and I have retouched some slightly awkward translations found in the book and added additional translations where I thought they would be of use.
Let me know if you have any corrections or suggestions for improvement!
- 우리들은 조선을 방문하였으면 합니다.
- We would like to visit the DPR of Korea.
- 당신의 체류일정은 어떻게 되여있습니까>
- What is the itinerary?
- 우리는 제기한 체류일정에 동의합니다.
- We agree to the proposed program of the visit.
- 우리는 당신들의 회사를 참관하였으면 합나다.
- We would like to visit your company.
- 이번 전시회에 무엇을 출품하였습니까?
- What did your firm exhibit at this exhibition?
- 기계설비를 출품하였습니다.
- We’ve exhibited the machinery and equipment.
- 전시품들을 보여즐수 있습니까?
- Can you show me the exhibits?
- 우리는 계약조건을 토의하려고 합니다.
- We would like to discuss the conditions of the contract.
- 으리의 립장은 계약서에 표명되였습니다.
- Our position is to set forth in contract.
- 언제 답변을 줄수 있습니까?
- When can you give an answer?
- 언제 우리에게 견본을 줄수 있습니까?
- What can you give us the samples?
- 설비의 납기는 언제입니까?
- What are the dates for delivery of equipment?
- 닙기를 단축하기 위해서 노력하겠습니다.
- I’ll try my best to reduce the delivery time.
- 납입을 철도로 할것을 제기합니다.
- We suggest delivery by rail.
- 언제 계약체결이 진행됩니까?
- When will the contract be signed?
- 환대해준데 대하여 감사를 드립니다.
- We would like to thank you for your hospitality.
Let me know if you have any corrections or suggestions for improvement!